Thursday, 22 February 2007

2 Samuel 22 v 3 - Refuge.

I am struggling today. I’m not above admitting when I am feeling distressed and helpless in my life and I am not above asking for help from God for help and deliverance from problems that I am facing. There are people in my job that I feel Satan is using to make me feel disillusioned and lost and feel that God is very far away from me and certain situations such as these have manifested in different ways today.

I had planned on writing about God’s love for the world and how we should do his work as evangelists, but I prayed about what to write about today and I was drawn to the following verse.

2 Samuel 22: 3 my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and my saviour—
from violent men you save me.

When I read this the first time I thought about God being there for me and it really warmed my heart to think that all I need do is pray and he hears me, but the more I read it over and over, it struck me, that as well as God being there for me, he is also actively protecting me and helping me, even before I pray to him.

I felt my disillusionment disappear and I just broke down and prayed that I continue to do his will and that the things that are standing in my way will be broken down in accordance to his will.

As Christians we are taught to face adversity and meet it head on because we have a God that protects us and will deliver us from all evil, but sometimes, in our human frailty and in our weakness we have times when we feel like the way that I felt this morning, and God not only provides protection, but also he provides a refuge and a stronghold to retreat to and regroup our thoughts and strengths.

It is not weakness to seek God’s help when we are struggling, in fact I would go as far as to say there is strength in that because we will be acknowledging out own inability to things our way and alone, but that we are trusting in God to do things that may seem impossible. Instead of feeling that Satan is in our way, we should be thinking, God is infinitely more powerful that anything Satan can throw in our way and we should take blessing from all situations.

God cares for us. He is watching over us and he is providing strength and protection to those who ask of it, but also, he provides a safe place to go and get our thoughts and feelings together without having fear of being attacked.

I pray today that God provides you with your strength and your protection to do all things in his name and to actively work to do His unchanging will.

To God be the glory, the power, and the wisdom.



Unknown said...

Mikey, you helped me out in another thread. I saw this lunchtime sermon and though, why not, what a good thing to do at lunch time. This scripture and your seeking of God is right on point to what I needed to hear (as was your comment to me in the other thread). I want you to know that God has used you to encourage and I pray that he sends someone to you to bless you as well.


karenoka27 said...

Could I share something with you? I am leading a ladies group right now and we talked about this very thing. I shared with them that no matter what is happening we must always keep our eyes fixed on the Lord.
Psalm 141:8-"But mine eyes are unto Thee, O God the Lord: in Thee is my trust." Not Satan or anyone can do anything without the knowledge and the allowing of our God. Job is a good example of this. Satan had to receive persmission from God to do anything to Job. God allowed it. When God confronts Job in capter 38 he never says, "Job, I let Satan do those things to you." Instead He tells Job to brace himself like a man and God will question him. The issue was between God and Job. I think that is so awesome. We are accountable to God no matter what situation we find ourselves in and no matter who it was that put us in it. But here is the best part.
Nahum 1:7-"The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble;He knoweth them that trust in Him."

I hope it was ok to share all of this. I am in no way trying to teach you anything only sharing what I love about my Lord.