Following a very good and fruitful weekend, I’ve come back to work this morning and its easy to forget what I have learned and what I have seen because of being within an environment that doesn’t work for God. The basis of my life and my thoughts should be deeply rooted in God’s word and what I have learned so that when difficult times come my way I stand fast in the face of the winds and storms of the world. When I think about this, I think of one of the more famous parables that Jesus taught.
Matthew 7:24"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."
Through all things God provides a foundation of rock for us to build our lives on. When we do things in the name of God and we focus on building our lives on his sure and stable ground, we are protected from the rains and the floods.
There are very many layers to this parable and many things that you can take from it. But today, I am going to draw from the location of where we build our lives, and give a warning to Christians and non Christians alike.
There are Christians who will build their lives for God and can build a huge tower but not really build it in the right context of frame of mind without the intention of glorifying God. This can be construed as building your life in the sand. If the things that you do are not fully and whole heartedly in his name, you have no base, and you have no foundation. Its true to say that your faith is tested fully when you are faced with difficulties and faced with the rain that will beat down. And without the foundation of God in your life, your construction that you have built will collapse and fall and will become nothing.
Therefore, be sure that with all that you do and all that you build in your own life in God’s name, it is built solidly on God’s foundation on the rocks. It is obvious that building on rocks can take a lot longer but these constructions will last longer and when the rain of life’s trouble comes along, you are strong and steadfast in God’s foundations.
With this in mind, I pray that God’s work is always done with the foundation that God has given to us and commissioned us to do. His plan is unchanging and is perfect, and we should remember that it has been written that being a Christian is not the easy option, the easiest option is to build your life up quickly with the foundation of sand, but we should strive to make every effort to make sure the basis of all our works are strong.
The decisions that we are making at the moment, and the ideas that we are making need to be assessed to make sure they are being done for the right reasons and with God’s foundation for our lives.
I cannot stress enough to Christians that troubles and life’s “Rain” WILL come your way, as a Christian we are in the direct firing line of Satan and you will be tested, as long as your foundations of your life are in God, you cannot be shaken, be sure that you make every effort to make each decision prayerfully and with God at the forefront of your mind, he will give you the direction, however difficult it may seem.
I pray then today that whatever comes your way, you are doing all things in God’s name, and that all the decisions you make are with God as a partner in these.
In his most precious Grace,
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