Friday, 16 February 2007

Psalm 9 v 9 - Do not Fear.

I’ve been sitting here today, thinking about how to tell the world about God. There are those in the world that would actively seek to oppress the truth and grace of God to the world. There is a person in my office (not naming any names of course) but this person will always argue with myself and a good Christian friend of mine about God, and generally anything at all. God calls us to evangelise, and to speak his name to all people. But there are times when this is difficult.

God’s word says the following…

Psalm 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,

a stronghold in times of trouble.

I don’t know about you but when I was younger and when I was a little bit less mature than I am now (not that much less!) I found it very difficult to talk to my friends about God or about what I belived. I’ve already touched upon this in a previous sermon but there would have been bullying and there would have been a lot of problems, but that shouldn’t have stopped me.

God says that he will protect his people from oppression. He says that anyone who calls to him, he will hear and as Christians, we shouldn’t feel fear when approaching other people with His truth. “Easier said than done” I hear you say, yes it is, it is difficult and it takes a lot of nerve and a lot of courage to do it, but ultimately, God gives us the confidence and the courage comes from him.

“What if it goes wrong and these people make my life a misery”, well as this passage says above, The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, he is a sanctuary for those being persecuted and he will give us protection. He is a stronghold in times of trouble, not just in this respect, but in ALL troubles.

As Christians we should not fear about what the devil and other people have to throw at us. We have God on our side. I challenge you, name me one battle God has ever lost to the Devil? Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, he won that battle. God was challenged by the Devil over Job, guess what? He lost that too… I could go on and on, but you get the point.

Take a step back today and see where God has given you opportunities to speak to friends/family and you’ve taken the easy option. Ask for forgiveness and strength that the next time the opportunity arises, you can talk about God.

In Christ alone.


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