Jesus told many parables when he was on earth, I for one would have loved to be there when he spoke them. Problem is, a lot of people around didn’t understand what he was going on about, its only from the view we have of the whole bible do these things make sense fully. One of my favorites is the parable of the Prodigal Son.
I take my text from –
Luke 15:10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Jesus talks about a man who wanted more from his life and wanted everything his way. I know I have been in the same position and had the same thoughts, as I’m sure a lot of you have too. The man goes out, has his party’s and has his way with the women of the time and spent all of his money. He ends up cleaning out the Pigs, the same as doing the lowest Job you could do here and eating the pods.
He was at rock bottom but remembered his father’s home and goes back to an old man who threw his arms around his son and welcomed him back. There are many metaphors and many sermons you can do from this one story but I am going to appeal to those who are none Christians, and encouragement to those who are.
God cares about us. I touched upon this on the first sermon I wrote, but it’s a point worth driving home over and over again. God cares for us. Its hard for a human mind to comprehend that. There are currently 6 billion (odd) in the world and its been calculated that about 66 billion people who have ever lived. And yet, out of all those people, out of all those souls, he cares about yours.
The text talks about rejoicing in heaven at just 1 soul being saved. It should make us feel special to think that heaven would have a party if you were saved and you will be garenteed a seat at the biggest party ever when you die!
As Christians, we shouldn’t loose sight of this when the world throws all it can at us. We should remember that God is looking out for us. We will stray from time to time, we all do but as the Father welcomed home his son, God welcomes us back with open arms if we repent of our sins.
Jesus died for everyone, he took upon his shoulders the wrath of God for our sin and if we ask for forgiveness we will be washed clean of that sin and can present ourselves blameless before God.
Christians, rejoice that God has washed you clean, celebrate your freedom! To those who haven’t found God yet, ask him to wash you clean, give your life to him and he will pour out blessing upon blessing.
God is truly awesome.
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