Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Psalm 18 v 6 - Hello?

Over the past 24 hours I have prayed more than probably my whole life. As Christians we are taught to pray and we are told that it is the right thing to do but often we can take this act for granted and just mumble a few words except when we’re really in trouble.

My passage is the following;

Psalm 18:

6 In my distress I called to the LORD;

I cried to my God for help.

From his temple he heard my voice;

my cry came before him, into his ears.

This verse means a lot to me because it actually proves that he does hear our prayers. There are over 150+ references in the bible to prayers being answered, I could probably double that with just my own experiences of prayers being forgiven.

We have to make sure we do not become complacent in our prayers, and that each day we speak to God, not just recite the same old mumbo jumbo day after day. Imagine if a friend only spoke to you properly when they needed something, you would begin to start doubting your relationship with that friend because they don’t need you when things are going swimmingly, you start to view them as a “fickle” friend. We need to try and not be “fickle” Christians.

In the same way we need to remain steady with our relationship with God, try and speak to God everyday with something new to say, someone new to pray about or just talk to him and tell him what is troubling you. In this way, we form a closer and more personal relationship with God as we are more and more honest with him.

It is my experience that the only time people cry out to God is when they need this help. When was the last time you cried out to God in Joy? Or in prayer for someone else? God allows us to be able to speak to him directly through the Holy Spirit, and isn’t that an amazing thought? We speak DIRECTLY to God.

God hears our prayers without any doubt, of course he chooses where and when to answer those prayers and we need to remain patient. This is something which I am praying for at the moment, and I’m personally struggling with quieting my heart and waiting for God to answer.

I ask for your prayers once again for the same things as I asked for yesterday, but also patience that it will be God’s will not ours.

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight.


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