Friday 2 March 2007

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mikey is taking a short break.

Hey everyone,

Firstly, Thank you so much for all your support so far, its been running for a month and i'm greatfull for all the support that you've given me both in my christian work and also in prayer.

I'm taking a very short break untill Monday 5th March from doing the Blogs as i'm feeling very tired at the moment both physically and spiritually and need to take time with God as to what I'm going to do next.

I'm planning on doing a series on Job when I start again.

Thanks again for helping me.



Anonymous said...

Mikey thanks for your thoughts they have been helpful. AS you take a break, rest in the Lord, allow Him to speak to you. "But those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength. They will soar on wings of eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint" Isaiah 40 v 31.

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit" says the Lord Almighty Zechariah 4 v6.

AS you open up the word on Job, may you know the reality of the verses found in Job 42 v 1-6. God is more wonderful than we could ever imagine, He is also more powerful, full of Righteousness and is zealous for His name. Allow His Spirit to rightly divide the Word of Truth.

The Lord bless you and Nell in all you do for Him.

Anonymous said...

I just want to let you know that although I have never really looked at your blog in full before. I'm so proud of you!
I know that you have had some uphill struggles to overcome but I can see God working in our lives even though we sometimes don’t realize it’s him.
I truly believe that if you start writing your blogs again you'll see the support of people you don't even know, and others will be able to see how great God has been to us.

There aren’t enough young people speaking out about Christ and the amazing things that he has done for us. I am lucky that I can speak to you about our God when ever I need to... you're an amazing speaker please don't let yourself be defeated. If you can open just one heart to the love of Christ you have achieved something that not many people can do.

Don't make me start a "Bring Back Mike Campaign" because you know I will!