Friday 22 February 2008

How is best to Serve God?

I was asked by my lovely fiance to put together some pearls of wisdom for some publication that she was putting together. But i thought i would share them with you also...

8 Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, [a]
we wait for you;
your name and renown
are the desire of our hearts.

This verse is the personification of what it means to be a Christian. The 4 lines should really strike a chord with all Christians. It speaks of adhering to God’s laws, waiting for God to comeback, praising his name and speaking of the only desire to our hearts being for God. We should all take great comfort in knowing that the words of Isaiah here are what we all feel. What is being said here is the order in which God should be praised. We should be adhering to God’s rules first and foremost, without this base, the rest of praise and serving for God would not work, secondly waiting. We have all waited for God, regardless of what stage of our walks is on. God teaches us patience. But we know, thirdly, that God’s name and his works and perfect will is the desire of all of our hearts.

Use this verse as a motto for today, try and walk in its format. Obey God, wait for his action and have his Name and knowledge that he is perfect at the centre of our hearts. With this base, a holy empire will be built.

In His name - Mikey

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