Tuesday 11 March 2008

Evolution - Biblical?

Something genuinely shocked me this weekend, it’s not really that easy to do, but I actually had to take a step back and say “whoa”. Whilst talking to a fellow Christian (who shall remain nameless and genderless), they said the following statement – “I believe that evolution is true, it’s what God used to grow life”, when I challenged the notion of ‘Did we come from apes?’ they responded with “yes”.

Let me be absolutely crystal clear right from the word go on this subject. This is biblically, theologically and doctrinally wrong. Right down to it being beyond wrong and go to the extent of blasphemous. Why? Because to question the 7 day creation theory, is to question the whole bible and the nature of God. The bible more than explicit about this. Genesis 1 v 1 – In the beginning, GOD CREATED the heavens and the earth. How much clearer could it be? Listen; don’t be sucked in on marrying the scientific theories with our biblical faith. It’s a popular thing to do I know, but its dangerous territory.

Lets follow this course, lets say for example, that God created the heavens and earth in not just 7 days, but 700 billion years (as the popular evolutionist theories go…), lets say that there are 100 billion years between the days as detailed in the bible. Somehow, the impact of the biblical notion of creation looses its clout somewhat. If God couldn’t do what the bible says and SPEAK the word, and had to rely nature to take its course, then are we questioning the very notion that God is all powerful? I think so. If we question that God is all powerful, then we need to throw into question the two other characteristics of God – All knowing, and all present. If he is not All powerful, then he cannot be all knowing as he would require power, and if he is not all knowing, then he isn’t all present because he would be all knowing. Right? WRONG. God is all of these things.

If you claim that the bible omits “billions” of years, then you are questioning the word of God. In by doing so, you have questioned his power, knowing and present ness, and now his word. Let me be clear, if you question one aspect of the bible, and choose to not believe it as it is written, you are questioning every word, every story, and every truth. If you are doing that, then you have missed the biblical truths and the whole point of God all together. Listen, it is not by accident that it was written exactly as it was, God created the world in 7 days, just by speaking the word. If evolution is true, and we are indeed just evolved from apes, you might as well just get out there and do what you want, because ultimately, nothing matters, death is just survival of the fittest and existence is unnecessary.

If however, you believe one word of the bible, and its good news and message – you know inside, in your soul, that this isn’t it, and then take heart. The bible’s message is clear, listen, if you have any questions about this, or anything about the Christian faith, give me an email.

In Christ’s Name, and in His Power.


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